Sunday, May 22, 2011

Special Moment #1

There is so much I want to share with everyone and its going to take me a while.  I will begin with the first time we saw Will at the hospital.  I think the pictures show exactly how we felt at that moment.  It was an amazing feeling to see our son for the first time!


  1. Isn't it an amazing, surreal feeling to meet your child for the first time??

  2. may think I'm nuts. But Will looks just like Bryan!! I can't be the first person to notice this! How precious and amazing.....
    Thanks for sharing this tender time with all of us! God is always good...
    We love you guys!

  3. WOW I cannot even believe this...I didn't realize anything was that close. He is exactly 2 months younger then out little Westyn. What a cutie!!!

  4. I am going to try HARD to patiently wait for more! I totally understand wanting to share a lot but trying to find the time to do it with a wee one though. :o)

  5. Ryan and Cheri HathcockMay 22, 2011 at 9:28 PM

    We are so happy for you both!! Will is so precious and we can't wait to see more photos. God is so good and we wish your family all His blessings on your new addition!

  6. Oh, Stacy and Bryan your overflowing cup of joy is so showing on both of your faces in the pictures. I don't think you can even know how many people are so happy and excited for you.
    Praising God with you and all the grandparents!
