Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Adoption is all around!!

I just wanted to share with everyone all of the wonderful news that I have received just today regarding adoption.  

First, a couple we know just received a sweet little baby boy!  I am not sure exactly how long they have been waiting but I know it's been a while.  Kelly & Dan, we are so excited for you guys and I know exactly the emotions you are feeling right now.  Having that sweet baby boy in your arms is such an amazing feeling.  Your lives will never be the same and I am so happy that you are part of the adoption family! 

Our friends Pete & Haley mailed their "big" packet in the mail today.  This is their application with a ton of paperwork included in it.  They are going through the same agency Bryan and I did and we are so excited for them.  They are moving right along through the process and I am anxious to see what God has in store for them!  

Lastly, today at school a fellow teacher came up to me and told me she has a friend who is ready to begin the adoption process.  She asked if I would mind if her friend contacted me.  Of course, I said absolutely!  One of my favorite things to do is talk about adoption.  I am by no means an expert but I do love helping people get started and help them along the way anyway that I can.  When Bryan and I were ready to begin, we had a wonderful couple that had adopted that met with us and got us guided in the right direction.  The process can be overwhelming and figuring out where to begin is the hardest part.  If I can help people in anyway, I feel like it is the least I could do.  

God is good and everyday I feel like God put adoption in our lives for a special reason!  


  1. I LOVE talking about adoption too! Especially encouraging others that it CAN be done and they CAN get through it! :)

  2. Thank you!! It has been an amazing journey and we wouldn't change a thing! It is awesome to know others that have gone through the process as well.
