As usual this weekend has flown by. Friday night I wasn't feeling that great. I think it was just allergies but they can still slow you down. My mom had surgery on her foot Friday afternoon, so Friday night we went to visit her for a little while. She is doing good but is probably getting bored sitting around the house. Bryan and I just grabbed some dinner and stayed at home for the rest of the night.
Saturday morning Bryan and I got up and went to Lowes to get a new front storm door. Bryan put it up and it looks great!

Also on Saturday I cleaned up and organized the nursery. I had not even put away my gifts since the shower. I also washed the clothes and blankets so they are ready.

Last night, Bryan and I went shopping and ate some sushi for dinner. Our anniversary is Tuesday, so we celebrated a little early.
This morning we went to my friend Ashley's church because they had their baby Aiden dedicated. It was a great service and I was honored to be a part of this special day. Now I am just laying around the house watching the Panthers lose the game. Oh well!
I hope everyone has a great week!