Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cleaning Day

Will did a lot of this today...

So I got lots of this done!

I have no idea why but Will slept so good today.  I would give him a bottle and he would go right to sleep and sleep for several hours.  He has stopped sleeping so much during the day and stays awake more.  I thought I should take advantage of the day so I got lots of cleaning done.  I am not complaining but it is definitely more difficult to clean when there is a baby in the house!


  1. Yeah, I definitely don't clean as well or as often as I used to!

  2. I hear you! I am so thankful that I have big girls in the house this time around so that they can do a little of the holding and feeding for me. But Peanut still sometimes just wants Mama and so the dirt just waits. :)
